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SonSet Solutions keeps clean water flowing with satellite monitor

When Cody Hall, a mechanical engineer from Elkhart, visited Malawi on a mission trip, there was a single phrase that stuck with him: “Madzi ndi moyo.” It means “water is life.” “This is not water for shaving. This isn’t water for washing your motorcycle,” Cody said. “This is the water you drink. It’s the water you cook with. It’s the water you give your children that sustains them. It’s what life is based on and you can’t live without it.” But water systems require regular maintenance, which can be time-consuming or even dangerous in war-torn countries. That is why an Elkhart-based organization has developed a universal satellite monitoring system that reports data on the health of water systems in underdeveloped countries. The SonSetLink™ water monitor can track anything from the number of gallons flowing from a single system on any given day to the levels of chlorination in that water. Water systems fail, and our water partners often don’t realize it until it’s too late – or they waste time checking on pumps that don’t need maintenance. The SonSetLink™ water monitor provides data that informs maintenance crews and helps them plan routine and emergency pump maintenance . The result? Clean water keeps flowing. SonSet Solutions has deployed more than 750 water monitoring units to more than 25 countries across the world so far. One of the units has been installed in a remote village in the Ecuadorian jungle. The water system failed one day, and the village gathered to figure out what to do. A man from the village soon embarked on a long journey to the offices of the organization that installed the water system. After an eight-hour walk through the jungle and a four-hour bus ride, he finally arrived. But thanks to the SonSetLink™ water monitoring system, the team had already learned of the system failure and had pulled the schematics to begin the troubleshooting process. However, the man’s journey was not in vain. “He arrived just in time to learn about possible failures and their repair procedures, and to collect the equipment needed to restore the flow of clean water in record time,” said Doug Weber, creative director for SonSet Solutions. “Does water monitoring really make a difference? It did for this village.” **ABOUT SONSET SOLUTIONS ** SonSet Solutions is an Elkhart-based nonprofit that aims to provide technology-based solutions to advance the Gospel worldwide. The organization believes that technology can expand the reach and deepen the impact of ministries around the world. In addition to the SonSetLink™ water monitors, SonSet Solutions specializes in building portable, solar-powered radio receivers and establishing radio stations to bring hope to communities around the world.
Jul 06, 2020